- Its Winter – Go Outside and Play!
Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go outside and play with your kids! After all, this is a perfect time to create fond winter memories of being outside playing in the snow. Maybe you’ll have a snowball fight or help build that incredible snow fort out of a plowed snowbank.
Snowman Hat Trick
Build a plump snowman in the yard/play-field. Make a game of taking turns trying to land a hat on his head by throwing it like a frisbee from 10 or so feet away.
Scavenger Hunt
Freeze colored water in ice cube trays. Hide them outdoors for a wintertime Scavenger Hunt.
Snow Boot Two-Step
- This version of follow the leader requires 2 or more players. The leader makes a path in freshly fallen snow.
- His or her teammates must try to step in exactly the same spots.
- The object of the game is to make it seem as if only one person has taken a walk through the snow.
- Can you pull it off? It takes balance and agility! Be sure to bundle up to stay warm and dry.
Build a Large Snow Worm
Great for kids – no lifting heavy snow!
• Food coloring
• Snow
• Sticks
• Fruit or vegetables (oranges, carrot)
- Make several large snowballs. (One bigger than the rest for the head.)
- Push them together in a long row so they look like a worm.
- Use the fruit or vegetables to make eyes and a nose, like you would with a regular snowman.
- Mix the food coloring in with some water and fill up a spray bottle to spray your worm with whatever color you want (or not).
Create a Bird Seed Snow Angel
This angel is easiest made together. One partner lies down to make a snow angel while the other partner stands by to help the maker get up without messing up the imprint. After the imprint is formed, pour cups of birdseed into the angel, filling the head and body with bands of variously colored seed. For a finishing touch, add pine boughs for the angel’s spreading wings.
Extension Science Idea:
Watch this spot daily and record your observations in a journal. The journal can be made with paper and a construction paper cover. At the same time every day, write down what the weather is like, including temperature, how the sky looks if it is snowy or sunny and what animals you see, and how they look to you. Are they feeding? This can be a fun spectator activity!
A Tree for the Animals
Decorate a tree for the animals in the woods or around your home or program property. Use fruit, vegetables, nuts and peanut butter on pinecones so the animals will have food to eat when while it’s cold. Don’t forget, this is a great time to teach kids about hibernating.
• Lard
• String
• Pinecone
• Birdseed
- Tie a piece of string around the widest part of the cone.
- Mix the lard and seed together, then press the mixture into the branches of the cone.
- Use the string to tie the cone up in a tree or bush for the birds to enjoy.
Have a Winter Picnic
This is perfect for a clear winter day.
Make a packed lunch for each child – a hot one if they have an insulated bag, as well as hot drinks in an insulated thermos. Pre-choose your picnic site. Be sure to bring a blanket to sit on! When you arrive, first play a warming game like leapfrog, then have your warm lunches followed by playing more active games. This would be a great time to play relay and planned games!
Weather not cooperating on the planned day? Do the same but inside!!!
Thanks to: https://kidactivities.net/games-play-snow/ for these and other ideas for having fun in the snow!
Here’s a related post that you might find interesting: https://globalmontessorischool.com/the-perfect-cure-for-the-winter-blahs/
Global Montessori has been offering primary child care, after school care, and the Montessori method of schooling since 1988. We accept infants, toddlers, kindergarten and elementary school students living in and around the Langley area and beyond. For more information, visit https://globalmontessorischool.com.