November 24



Scholastic Book Fair purchases make great Christmas presents!

December 1st to 4th are the dates set aside for the year’s first Book Fair. This is a good opportunity to purchase great Christmas Gifts for your children and to augment their reading program. Proceeds from this Book Fair go towards building up our school library. There are opportunities to win books as every child who purchases books is entered into a draw. The winning child wins $25 in books for themselves and $25 in books for their classroom!

We are hoping we will reach sales totalling more than $1,500, which will give us an amazing 50% profit, less than that only gives us 15% profit. Help us to reach this target this year. All proceeds from this go towards enriching our school library.

If you are able to help with the Book Fair and have a couple of hours free during the day, please let us know, we would very much appreciate it!

A big thank you to Jennifer James for taking on the Book Club and for agreeing to help out at the Book Fair, to Randi Slobin for helping with the flyers, and to Sheira Hallam for offering to help out at the Book Fair.


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